With the development of economic globalization in depth,the competition for getting natural resources among countries is becoming increasingly intense.On the excuse of sovereignty disputes between China and Japan,Mr.Paul Krugman criticized Chinese policy of restricting raw materials exportation and denounced China as "a rogue economic superpower".With regard to this statement,the writers feel impossible to approve.Facing the sovereignty disputes on Diaoyu Island,the most significant political task,China adopted an attitude of great forbearance,even when it was reasonable for Chinese government to interrupt rare earth export to Japan in the crisis conforming to common international institutions and practices.Then what makes China " a rogue economic superpower"? In this paper,the writers refute Paul Krugman's erroneous views one by one and demonstrate further our thoughts and the implications of this research accordingly.Those criticisms of "not preparing to assume the responsibilities that go with that status" "violating international trade law" "currency manipulating" won't bear close inspection in time and in reality.Instead,Mr.Paul Krugman's criticism of "a rouge economic superpower" can only make himself a rogue economist.
Journal of Zhejiang Wanli University
rogue economy
rare earth
export restrictions