
欧茨小说《他们》对自然主义的传承与超越 被引量:1

Fight in the Abyss ——On the Inheritance and Transcendence of Naturalism in Oates's Novel them
摘要 欧茨的代表作品《他们》通过描述处于社会最底层的洛雷塔、朱尔斯和莫琳这些穷人的挣扎和奋斗,在环境描写、人物塑造、主题内涵及创作手法上都与自然主义文学有一定程度上的契合。同时小说更展现出对传统自然主义文学的超越。"他们"虽然生活在压抑和绝望之中,但却拥有自己的自由意志。"他们"努力改变自己的命运,从未失去对生活的希望和对美国梦的追求。 As a literary school and form,American Naturalism ended in the beginning of the 20th century.However,the value and ideology of naturalism lingers in the contemporary literary works.Oates's novel them is a powerful example of this.Through the portrait of the fight and struggle of the slum people like Lorreta,Morrin and Jules,the novel shows naturalistic features for its environment description,characterization,themes and styles.However,the novel also shows some distinction from the traditional naturalistic works.Although people like "them" struggle on the edge of depression and despair,they never lose their hope for life and for the pursuit of American Dream.They own their free will and try every means to change their life.Therefore,naturalistic features in them show Oates's inheritance and transcendence of naturalism.
作者 张辉
机构地区 浙江万里学院
出处 《浙江万里学院学报》 2011年第2期52-56,共5页 Journal of Zhejiang Wanli University
基金 2009年浙江省教育厅项目"自然主义在20世纪美国女性作家中的传承与发展"(编号:Y200907716)
关键词 《他们》 自然主义 环境 暴力 them naturalism environment violence
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