
建立人工耳蜗植入后影响因素评估体系的研究 被引量:1

An evaluation system for factors influencing children's rehabilitation results from cochlear implantation
摘要 目的建立人工耳蜗植入术后影响因素的评估体系。方法应用Delphi法以问卷调查的形式,将评估表传送给全国各地70位受邀请的专家,对评估表的评估内容进行分析、判断、列序、权重,并对评估系统中的测试指标进行删改、补充。分析问卷回收率及专家们咨询意见集中程度、协调程度、权威程度,以及对指标的权重系数进行统计学分析。结果经过两轮专家咨询后,问卷的回收率分别为82.86%和93.10%,专家们的意见的集中程度和协调程度的在第二轮咨询时达到了较高的一致性(P<0.05),并得出了二级和三级指标的权重系数。结论本研究的评估内容得到了专家们的积极参与,并有很好的协调性,专家们达成了影响人工耳蜗植入术后患儿康复效果的因素的共识,且二级指标中手术前一般资料所占的权重系数最高,三级指标中人工耳蜗植入时年龄的权重系数最高。 Objective To establish a system for evaluating factors having enfluence on cochlear implantation effectiveness.Methods The Delphi's techniques was used in this study.The evaluation questionnaire was sent twice to 70 selected experts in the country.Based on their analyses and judgement,the order and weighing of the content in the questionnaire were ratified with deletions and additions as seen appropriate.Expert response rate,opinion convergence,correlation,degree of authority,and weighing coefficients on questionnaire items were analyzed.Results The response rate was 82.86% and 93.10% for the two rounds of inquiries,respectively.Expert opinions demonstrated reasonable convergence and coherence(P 0.05),allowing determination of weighing coefficient for secondary and tertiary indices.Conclusion With enthusiastic participation by experts,a consensus has been reached regarding appropriate items in a system for evaluating factors having enfluence on children's rehabilitation results from cochlear implantation.In this study,the preoperative general information in the secondary indices and the age of the cochlear implantation in the tertiary indices has been given the highest weighing coefficient,respectively.
出处 《中华耳科学杂志》 CSCD 2010年第4期368-371,共4页 Chinese Journal of Otology
基金 湖北省科技厅资助项目(2008CDB210) 湖北省卫生厅科研基金资助项目(2007JX3B16)
关键词 人工耳蜗植入 影响因素 评估 Cochlear implantation Effect factors Evaluation
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