
论资源禀赋对专业化分工及贸易的影响 被引量:3

A Study on the Effect of Natural Resource Endowment to Specialization and Trade
摘要 文章通过构建优化模型分析了资源诅咒的一项传导机制——丰裕的资源将会阻碍(至少是拖延)地区经济由原本落后的自给自足的生产模式向以专业化生产和交易为特征的先进模式转变的进程,从而降低整个社会的要素生产力,对经济增长不利。这是因为随着人均资源禀赋量的增加,人们愿意从自给自足模式跨入分工模式的交易效率门槛值亦在不断提高,也就是说在资源富足的地区,除非基础设施和制度非常地完善,可以保证交易的成本下降到很低的水平,否则人们更愿意进行低效率的自给自足的生产。相反,在资源贫乏的地方,只要交易成本不是太大,人们就有充分的动机从事专业化生产和交易,显然这种模式有利于提高生产效率,也代表了社会经济的发展方向。最后,文章分析了人口增长和技术进步在这一传导机制中的作用,提出可以通过加强基础设施投资、完善交易管理制度来争取突破效率门槛的限制,规避资源诅咒。 Through an optimization model, this paper indicates a transmission channel of " resource curse" , which means rich resource endowment can hinder local economy transferring from laggard autarkical production to advanced specialized production that is characterized by division of labor and plenty of trade and represents higher factor productivity. As when the resource endowment per capita increases, the threshold of transaction efficiency rises. People choose to work in specialization only when the transaction efficiency overcomes the threshold. That is, in munificent regions, people would like to take specialization mode as long as the infrastructure and institutions condition are not too bad. This is why many munificent countries developed slowly during recent decades. The paper also analyzes the effect of an increased population and improved technology in this channel, suggests that the curse will be broken through by improving the infrastructure and institution of transaction management.
出处 《华东经济管理》 CSSCI 2011年第6期63-66,共4页 East China Economic Management
基金 教育部人文社会科学重点研究基地重大项目"开放条件下西北地区环境治理与经济社会发展的理论与方略研究"(03JAZJD790007)
关键词 资源禀赋 自给自足 专业化 分工 交易效率 resource endowment autarky specialization division of labor transaction efficiency
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