
适用于独立变桨控制方式的风机气动模型和风模型的研究 被引量:2

Study on Wind Model and Wind Turbine Aerodynamic Model Suitable for Individual Pitch Control
摘要 建立了一种新的基于叶素理论的适用于独立变桨方式的风机气动模型,并与传统基于风能利用系数经验公式的风机气动模型进行了比较分析。同时基于风剪塔影理论建立了风模型,同新气动模型联合仿真,通过新气动模型的输出仿真结果验证了风剪塔影造成单只叶片的拍击力1P波动,3只叶片合成主轴气动转矩的3P波动。最后通过独立设定桨距角,联合对风模型与新气动模型仿真,验证了新模型对于独立变桨方式的适用性。 A wind turbine aerodynamic model, which based on Blade Element Momentum and suitable for individual pitch control, is developed and compared with the traditional aerodynamic model based on rotor power coefficient. The wind model based on the theory of wind shear and tower shadow is also developed. By the co-simulating, the conclusions of the wind shear and tower shadow leading to the 1P fluctuation of flap force in one blade and the 3P fluctuation of main shaft torque by 3 blades are verified through the outputs of new aerodynamic model. Taking individual pitch angle as an input to the models, the co-simulation also verifies the applicability of new models in individual pitch control.
出处 《水力发电》 北大核心 2011年第4期90-94,共5页 Water Power
基金 国家863计划支持项目(2009AA05Z445)
关键词 风机气动模型 风剪切 塔影效应 独立变桨 wind turbine aerodynamic model wind shear tower effect individual pitch control
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