罗伯特·勒帕吉(Robert Lepage)导演的歌剧确实有很抢眼的视觉效果,但是给歌手的挑战也不小。他为大都会歌剧院制作的《莱茵的黄金》里,包括莱茵河女儿和阿尔贝里希都要吊在半空中唱歌。而3月在布鲁克林音乐学院(Brooklyn Academy of Music)演出的《夜莺》(The Nightingale)里,歌手则是得站在水深齐胸的池子里,一边唱一边操纵木偶。
Between Rheingold earlier in the season and Die Walk(u|¨)re next month,New York also saw The Nightingale and other short fables,another of Robert Lepage's opera productions.This one was created in 2009 for the Canadian Opera Company.Unlike the Ring which has been weighed down by the 45-ton,super-high tech'Machine,'The Nightingale is notable for its dreamlike quality,achieved by one of the most ancient performing arts - puppetry.The simple-in -concept but sophisticated-in-execution performance fits perfectly with the story and the music.Singers handled both music and the unusual performing style gingerly.Too bad the run at the Brooklyn Academy of Music was short.But the production is in the COC's repertory and is likely to be performed in many years to come.