
从压抑的认知神经科学观点看精神分析的发展 被引量:1

Neural Systems Underlying the Repression and Prospect of Psychoanalysis
摘要 回溯失语症等一系列研究材料,可以发现弗洛伊德的精神分析理论构建在当时的生物学发展基础之上。随着当代认知神经科学的发现,尤其是从记忆存贮、梦以及联合型学习等方面对压抑机制的解释,使得精神分析与神经科学的整合成为一种可能。但二者的整合还需要在更多方面做出评估,同时重视精神分析理论蕴含的独特思想。 From the review of the research on aphasia, we can conclude that psychoanalysis pro-posed by Freud based on the developmental degree of biology at that time. With the advance of modern neuroscience, especially in memory storage, dreams and association learning processes which prove a biological basis of the repression, the convergence of psychoanalysis and neuroscience become possible. But the convergence needs to be estimated in many aspects, with simultaneous in considering the peculiarity of psychoanalytic theory.
作者 徐云
出处 《医学与哲学(A)》 北大核心 2011年第4期3-5,共3页 Medicine & Philosophy:Humanistic & Social Medicine Edition
关键词 弗洛伊德 压抑 神经科学 精神分析 整合 Freud, repression, neuroscience, psychoanalysis, convergence
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