

The Conception of User Satisfaction Survey by Official Statistical Institution:Based on Experience from European Statistical System
摘要 通过用户满意度调查来测量用户对统计数据质量水平的主观感知,为统计数据质量评估与控制提供了一条重要的信息渠道。基于对政府统计部门实施用户满意度调查的社会背景及其必要性的分析,借鉴在国际同领域实践中起步较早的、较具代表性的欧洲统计系统用户满意度调查的相关实践经验,对中国政府统计部门实施用户满意度调查的制度保障、目标定位与内容设计以及调查组织实施等方面的实践要领进行了探讨。 It's the user satisfaction survey,by which users' subjective perception for statistical data quality can be measured,that presents an important information channel for statistical data quality assessment and control.Based on an analysis on social background and the necessity of user satisfaction survey implemented by official statistical institutions,some practice elements,such as institutional guarantee,object orientation and survey content,and organization and implementation of user satisfaction survey,have been discussed.In the analysis process,the experience from European Statistical System embodies valuable reference contribution.
作者 王华
出处 《统计与信息论坛》 CSSCI 2011年第4期83-88,共6页 Journal of Statistics and Information
基金 国家自然科学基金项目<中国统计数据质量的评估系统研究>(70671104)
关键词 统计数据质量 用户满意度调查 欧洲统计系统 statistical data quality user satisfaction survey European Statistical System(ESS)
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