
纤维素酶整理消除苎麻针织物刺痒感的研究 被引量:6

Research on using cellulose to eliminate the prickle of ramie knitting fabric
摘要 苎麻针织物在贴身穿着过程中产生较强的刺痒感,在一定程度上限制了苎麻织物的服用范围。为解决此问题,文章简要介绍了织物刺痒感的评价并针对如何改善甚至消除苎麻针织物刺痒感的问题进行了研究。首先通过单因素实验确定出各影响因素的范围,再通过正交试验并结合前臂实验法,利用评分的方式得出了一套最佳的酶处理工艺条件:pH值5、酶用量3%(owf)、浴比1∶20、温度45℃、时间45 min。 Prickle sensation is produced in process of paste wearing,which has limited the scope of ramie fabric wearing in some extent.To solve this problem,we introduce the evaluation of fabric prickle sensation and study how to improve and indeed eliminate the prickle sensation in wearing ramie knitting fabric.First of all,the scope of the various factors are determined by the single-factor experiment.Then the optimum conditions with pH value 5,cellulose enzyme dosage 3%(owf),liquor ratio 1:20,temperature 45 ℃;time 45 min are obtained by the combination of orthogonal test and forearm test method.
机构地区 西安工程大学
出处 《毛纺科技》 CAS 北大核心 2011年第5期21-24,共4页 Wool Textile Journal
关键词 苎麻 针织物 纤维素酶 刺痒感 ramie knitting fabric cellulose prickle sensation
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