
国际投资与环境保护问题研究——投资条约视角 被引量:5

Studies on FDI and Environmental Protection-Investment Treaties Perspective
摘要 不少双边投资条约与双边投资条约范本包含有环境保护条款,但大多集中在序言中,无法真正调整缔约双方的权利与义务关系,实体条款又大部分具有"软法"性质,其法律效用也无法得到保护;区域性与多边性投资法制中的环境保护条款在继承双边投资条约的软法性质特征基础上,促使部分条款具有可操作性,比双边投资条约环境保护条款进了一小步,但NAFTA仲裁实践支持东道国环境保护措施构成违反条约义务而使得投资者获得赔偿;在此基础上,发达国家政府与国际金融机构强制要求跨国公司承担环境保护责任,于是出现了在发展中国家跨国公司投资主动实施环境保护的状况;但是,跨国公司参与或者干预东道国环境立法的情况也时有发生,发展中投资东道国如何平衡环境保护与主权就成为了长期斗争任务。 There are a lot of environmental protection clauses included in the BIT and model BIT. Some are the part of preamble, and the others are substantial clauses. Both of them are characterized by soft law which can't constitute rights and obligations imposed on the contracting parties. MIA inherits some characters of BIT, but some new protection appears. Especially "polluter pays" principle has been introduced into ETC. Nowadays, MNEs use FDI as their tool to propel the idea of environmental protection and expect to participate in the establishment or reshape host countries' environment measures which impinge on the host countries' sovereignty.
作者 金学凌
出处 《燕山大学学报(哲学社会科学版)》 2011年第1期101-107,共7页 Journal of Yanshan University:Philosophy and Social Science
基金 国家社科基金项目"国际投资法制中的公共利益保护问题研究"(09XFX033)的阶段性研究成果 "中南财经政法大学研究生教育创新基金"资助项目(2009BFX11)
关键词 双边投资条约 多边投资条约 环境保护 跨国公司 发展中国家 BIT MIA environmental protection MNE developing countries
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