
思密达对驻营区部队急性腹泻病的防治效果 被引量:2

Prevention and treatment effects of smecta on acute diarrhea in troops living in camp
摘要 目的评价思密达对驻营区部队急性腹泻病的防、治效果。方法比较综合性预防(A组)和思密达预防(B组)实施后急性腹泻病的发病率和思密达、黄连素治疗后主要临床表现的消失时间与治疗效果。结果实施上述措施后急性腹泻病的发病率分别下降55.76%和46.00%。思密达治疗有效率较黄连素高约20%,且主要临床表现期明显缩短。结论思密达预防在短期内可以取得同综合性预防措施相似的预防效果,其治疗效果优于对照药。 Objective Evaluating prevention and treadment effect of smecta on acute diarrhea of army living in camp. MethodsMorbidity of acute diarrhea before and aller prevention by comprehensive means (group A) and with smecta (group B), and thedisappearance time of main symptoms after treatment of smecta or berberine were compared. Results Morbidity of acute diarrhea ofgroup A and group B reduced by 55.76% and 45.00o/O, respectively. Efficacy rate of smecta was about 20% higher than berberine.Conclusion Prevention effect of smecta on acute diarrhea in a short time is similar to that of comprehensive means and in curativeeffect smecta is better than berberine.
出处 《第一军医大学学报》 CSCD 1999年第3期222-224,共3页 Journal of First Military Medical University
基金 全军"八五"攻关资助!91A054-0058
关键词 急性 腹泻 思密达 药物疗法 预防 acute diarrhea, acute diarrheas smecta
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