

The Role of Frequency in Acquisition of Past Tense for EFL Learners——A Corpus-based Study
摘要 过去式是英语学习中很重要的一个语法项目。本文采用语料库这一新的研究方法,通过统计分析处于不同水平组的中国学生的作文中出现的过去时态的错误特征,研究词频对动词过去式习得的影响。 Past tense is one of the most important grammar points in English learning.The present study is a corpus-based study on Chinese EFL learner's past tense acquisition.By collecting and analyzing the past tense productions of Chinese EFL learners,this study reaches its conclusions in error features and the role of frequency in the acquisition of English past tense.
作者 杨秋萍
出处 《西昌学院学报(社会科学版)》 2011年第1期140-143,共4页 Journal of Xichang University:Social Science Edition
关键词 过去式 习得 语料库 Past Tense Acquisition Corpus
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