
面包车尾部造型对其气动特性的影响 被引量:7

Influence of tail-end styling on aerodynamic characteristics of minibus
摘要 为了研究面包车气动特性的影响因素,以国产某小客车简化模型为研究对象,在对基础模型进行试验验证的基础上,通过数值模拟的方法,计算后风窗角度、背部角度和底部上翘角度改变以后面包车的气动阻力和升力,得到其变化规律,并把各种角度相互组合,得出最佳的尾部造型。模拟结果表明:上述3种因素对面包车的气动特性均有很大的影响,在设计过程中要通过数值模拟和试验的方法确定最佳的角度组合。本文的研究结论可以为面包车的造型优化和新车型开发提供理论依据。 Taking a simplified model of a home-made minibus that loas verified by tests as the object of study, the factors affecting its aerodynamic characteristics were numerically simulated. The aerodynamic drag and lift were calculated upon the changes of the angle of rear wind window, the angle of the back, and the upward omgle Of underbody diffuser, and the relationships among these variables were obtained. The optimal styling achieved by their appropriate combination. The simulation results showed that the above-mentioned 3 angles make notable impact on the aerodynamic characteristics of the minibus, and it is necessary to combine them optimally by numerical simulation and test in the process of development. The obtained conclusions provide a theorezical foundation for the styling optimization and the new model development.
出处 《吉林大学学报(工学版)》 EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2011年第3期618-622,共5页 Journal of Jilin University:Engineering and Technology Edition
基金 国家自然科学基金项目(50805062) 汽车动态模拟国家重点实验室开放基金项目(20091114) 吉林省科技发展计划项目(20080114 20096005)
关键词 车辆工程 面包车 尾部造型 数值模拟 气动特性 vehicle engineering minibus tail-end styling numerical simulation aerodynamic characteristics
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