
基于多目标决策的异构无线网络接入选择算法 被引量:12

Multi-objective decision making based access selection algorithmin heterogeneous wireless networks
摘要 针对异构无线网络基于负载均衡的接入选择算法判决因素不够全面的问题,提出了一种基于多目标决策(Multi-objective decision making,MODM)的接入选择算法。该算法在满足多因素判决、动态适用性的基础上,采用五级标度法和信息熵法确定接入判决指标的主、客观权重,并通过最小二乘法对主、客观权重进行折中选择,判决过程兼顾了网络状态和用户偏好,提高了判决准确性和实用性。仿真结果表明:该算法相对于负载均衡算法,降低了分组业务阻塞率和丢包率,提高了用户满意度。 Multi-objective decision making based access selection algorithm was proposed to work out the problem that the judging factors of the maximum load balance based access selection algorithm were one-sided in heterogeneous wireless networks. On the basis of satisfying the multifactor judgment and dynamic applicability, five-grade scale method and entropy of information method were adopted to calculate the subjective and objective weight. Meanwhile, least squares method was used to choose them eclectically. Both the network state and user preferences were taken into consideration in order to improve the accuracy and practicability of the algorithm. Simulation results show that compared to the maximum load balance based algorithm, the proposed algorithm can decrease the packet blocking probability and packet loss rate, as well as improve the user satisfaction.
出处 《吉林大学学报(工学版)》 EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2011年第3期795-799,共5页 Journal of Jilin University:Engineering and Technology Edition
基金 国家自然科学基金项目(60972028)
关键词 通信技术 多目标决策 最小二乘法 信息熵 communication multi-objective decision making least squares method information entropy
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