

The Imagination in a Fantastic Space——On the Narrative Art of Through the Looking-glass and What Alice Found There
摘要 童话具有不同于其它文学门类的特点,它集合神奇幻想与平凡生活于一体,是特殊时间和空间的叙述载体,有着多样化的叙述维度。《阿丽思镜中奇遇记》展示了不可能世界中的精彩叙述。从现实到想象,从镜子到梦境,刘易斯·卡罗尔笔下层次错落的叙述空间变换无穷,灵活多变的叙述视角出其不意,生动活泼的叙述语式和一语双关的叙述语言配合精妙,真假呼应,虚实相合,结构分明,使这个童话具有独树一帜的艺术魅力。 As a special carrier of both time and space,fairy tales,which is quite different from other literature categories,combine splendid imagination with ordinary life with a narrative dimension of diversity.Through the Looking-glass and what Alice Found There displays the wonderful narration of an imaginary world.Lewis Carroll′s lively narrative space,various narrative perspectives as well as the special narrative-style of the languages present the true and the imaginative simultaneously,which makes unique artistic charm of this work.
作者 程瑜瑜
出处 《昆明学院学报》 2011年第1期24-28,共5页 Journal of Kunming University
关键词 阿丽思镜中奇遇记 童话 叙述空间 叙述视角 叙述语式 叙述艺术 Through the Looking-glass and What Alice Found There fairy tales narrative space narrative perspective narrative language narrative art
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