
吸收能力与企业创新绩效 被引量:1

The Relationship between Absorptive Capacity and Firm Innovation Performance
摘要 吸收能力理论被广泛用于研究复杂的组织现象,是技术创新、组织学习、知识管理、产业经济与战略管理等多学科领域研究所涉及的核心指标,很多学者用该理论解释不同的企业创新绩效。本文首先回顾了相关文献,说明了吸收能力的基本内涵和模型。其次在企业网络的视角下,探讨了企业吸收能力对企业创新绩效的直接作用和调节作用。第三,总结了两个基于企业吸收能力的企业创新绩效影响因素的研究模型,并分析了模型的优缺点。最后,本文指出随着外部知识资源对企业创新重要性的增强,不能继续把知识作为一个已知的常量,要区分不同的知识属性是否对企业创新绩效有显著的影响作用。要以企业吸收能力为核心,从整体的角度系统探讨影响企业创新绩效的关键因素,用有效的研究方法科学地分析各关键因素之间的相互关系以及对企业创新绩效的不同影响作用。 Researchers have used the absorptive capacity construct to explain various firm innovation performances. In this article, I review the literature to identify key dimensions of absorptive capacity and offer a conceptualization of this construct. Building upon the network view of firms, I distinguish between the direct and moderate effects of firm's absorptive capacities on innovation performance. I then advance two models outlining the conditions when the firm's absorptive capacities can differentially influence the creation and increase firm innovation performance. Finally, this paper points out that with increasing of the importance of outside knowledge resources, it is inappropriate for us to take the knowledge as known constant on firm innovation. We need separate the differences in knowledge properties that dramatically affect firm innovation performance. We must systematically explore the key influence factors of firm innovation performance on basis of absorptive capacity and adopt effective scientific methods to analyze the relationship among them.
作者 王长峰
出处 《技术经济与管理研究》 北大核心 2011年第4期31-34,共4页 Journal of Technical Economics & Management
基金 教育部人文社会科学研究青年项目(10YJC630265) 山东省高校人文社会科学研究计划(J10WG56) 山东交通学院博士科研启动基金 科研基金项目(R201001)
关键词 企业网络 知识溢出 吸收能力 企业创新 创新绩效 Firm network Knowledge spillover Absorptive capacity Enterprise innovation Innovation performance
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