

New Idea of University:"Sharing Mistakes"——Based on Collingwood and Popper's Theory of Knowledge
摘要 世界一流大学发展与其理念发展密切相关。基于柯林伍德、波普尔的知识论,本文结合大学物理学科发展案例,总结出独特的大学理念"分享错误",即在学科共同体内,学科领袖的权威不在于其是否犯错,而在于能否提出新颖的错误假设与团队分享,从而激发团队的思考。其所分享错误的质量和数量是其科学生命力旺盛的标志。从方法论的意义上讲,"分享错误"的理念与科学的基本方法"试错法"是一致的;从评价体系上讲,众多科学家曾依靠提出新颖的错误假设评上教授;从政策角度上讲,新型大学理念要求科研政策允许课题研究失败,科研人员要真诚地与同行分享错误。 The development of world-class university is closely related to the development of their ideas.Based on Collingwood and Popper's theory of knowledge and the development of several specific cases of university discipline,the paper has summed up the unique idea of university,'Sharing Mistakes'.i.e.,in the disciplinary society,academic authority of leaders is not whether he makes mistakes or not,but rather cohether can continue to make incorrect and innovative assumptions,and inspire the team by sharing mistakes.The quality and quantity of mistakes shared by the leader is a sign of exuberant vitality of his science.From a methodological sense,the idea of 'sharing Mistakes' is consistent with the basic method of science,'trial and error';from the evaluation system,the history of science shows that a lot of scientists became a professor because of relying on a number of the incorrect and innovative assumption.From the perspective of disciplinary development,when mistakes lack novelty,the discipline will gradually become weak;from the perspective of science policy,the new idea of university requires to respect the scientists' right of trial and error.If China wants to create world-class universities,practicing the spirit of sharing mistakes between teacher and student is necessary.
作者 周志发
出处 《学术界》 CSSCI 北大核心 2011年第4期152-159,286,共8页 Academics
基金 全国教育科学"十一五"规划2010年度教育部青年课题"美国大学物理学科教学史研究(1876-1950)"(EAA100359)的阶段性成果
关键词 大学理念 分享错误 世界一流大学 world-class university idea of university sharing mistakes scientific policy
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