NOSTALGIA usually refers to a bitter-sweet mood in which one remembers "the way we were." Older people are prone to it, but recently, ersatz nostalgia has become a trend with the younger genera-tions born in the 1960s, the 1970s, or even the 1980s. Each age group has its own past to be wistful about. Retro ele-ments are in fashion, in entertainment, in f ilm and television, and in literature. It has become the critical yeast in the bread of commercial promotion.
NOSTALGIA usually refers to a bitter-sweet mood in which one remembers "the way we were." Older people are prone to it, but recently, ersatz nostalgia has become a trend with the younger genera- tions born in the 196os, the 197os, or even the 198os. Each age group has its own past to be wistful about. Retro elements are in fashion, in entertainment, in film and television, and in literature. It has become the critical yeast in the bread of commercial promotion.