
TiAl金属间化合物解理断裂行为的研究 被引量:8

Study on the cleavage fracture behavior of intermetallic alloy TiAl
摘要 通过三点弯曲预裂纹试样在室温(25 ℃)和 700 ℃的断裂试验,对接近 γ和全层状 α+ γ的两种 Ti Al金属间化合物的解理断裂行为进行了研究.经过断口的详细观察和裂纹尖端应力、应变的有限元计算确定解理断裂的临界阶段.结果表明解理断裂是由预制裂纹的直接扩展所引发,由加工硬化决定的裂尖处的正应力是决定性的控制因素. Cleavage fracture behavior of both near γ and fully lamellar TiAl intermetallic alloys was investigated by using pre cracked specimens with three point bending at room temperature and 700 ℃, respectively. Detailed observations of fracture surface and FEM calculations of stress and strain at crack tip were carried out to find the critical stage of cleavage fracture. The results show that the cleavage fracture is initiated by direct propagation of the pre crack and that the stress at the crack tip due to work hardening is the decisive controlling factor.
出处 《甘肃工业大学学报》 1999年第3期1-5,共5页 Journal of Gansu University of Technology
基金 甘肃省自然科学基金
关键词 断裂 金属间化合物 钛铝 裂纹 韧性 晶粒 解理 fracture intermetallic alloy TiAl crack toughness grain
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