
儿童精神分裂症预后回顾性调查 被引量:2

Retrospective investigation of the prognosis of children with schizophrenia
摘要 目的:了解儿童精神分裂症患者预后状况。方法:对166例我院出院的儿童精神分裂症患者进行回顾性调查和横断面预后评估。结果:随访2~4年的时间内共90例患者复发(54.5%);63.7%患者预后良好,临床总体印象量表(CG I)评分〈4分。以12岁为界,将样本分为两组,年龄〈12岁和≥12岁的个人和社会功能量表(PSP)平均分分别为(45.3±24.1)和(67.3±23.2)(t=-3.28,P〈0.001);首发治疗不同疗效患者的PSP评分经单因素方差分析发现差异有统计学意义(F=18.98,P〈0.001);男女PSP评分差异有统计学意义(59.0±25.5,71.3±21.0,t=-3.42,P〈0.001)。结论:大部分儿童精神分裂症患者预后尚可,首次治疗疗效不佳、男性以及首发年龄小的患者预后较差。 Objective: To explore the prognosis of children with schizophrenia. Method:Retrospective investigation and cross-sectional prognosis assessing were used to evaluate 166 children with schizophrenia,those were accepted inpatient treatment in the department of child and adolescent psychology. Results:Total 166 children and their guardian consented to accept the investigation and assessing.During the 2~4 years,90 patients had relapsed(54.5%).63.7% patients had a good prognosis,who had the score of clinical global impression(CGI) of less than 4.Dividing the sample into two group by the age 12,the average score of personal and social performance scale(PSP) in patients whose age was less than 12 and more than 12 was(45.3±24.1) and(67.3±23.2)respertively(t=-3.28,P0.001);there were significant difference in the score of PSP in patients with different effect of first inpatient treatment by ANOVA(F=18.98,P0.001);there were significant difference between the PSP score of the boys and girls(59.0±25.5,71.3±21.0,t=-3.42,P0.001). Conclusion:Most children with schizophrenia have good prognosis.The patients with bad response of first treatment,boys and lower age of on-set have bad prognosis.
出处 《临床精神医学杂志》 2011年第2期77-79,共3页 Journal of Clinical Psychiatry
基金 安徽省卫生厅临床医学重点学科应用技术资助项目(09B130)
关键词 精神分裂症 儿童 预后 schizophrenia child prognosis
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