2Filologo Pante, Jr. and Romeo A. Reyes, Japanese and U.S. Development Assistance to the Philippines: A Philippine Perspective, Philippine Institute for Development Studies, Working Paper Series No.89-07, April 1989.
7National Foundation for American policy, NFAP Policy Brief: Employment-Based Gr een Card Projections Point To Decade-Long Waits, November 2009. http://www.nfap.com/pdf/091117pb.pdf, 访问日期:2010年12月1日.
8U.S. Department of State, Report of the Visa Office 2009: Immigrant Visas Issued and Adjustments of Status Table V (Part 3) Subject to Numerical Limitations Fiscal Year 2009, http://www.travel.state. gov/visa/statistics/statistics _ 4594.html,访问日期:2010年12f11日.