测定了广州市芳村区240 例正常婴幼儿的头发中锌、铁、铜、钙、锰、铅、碘等7 种元素的含量, 并与广州婴幼儿头发元素的含量正常值进行了对照分析。结果表明, 不同性别的芳村区婴幼儿头发中微量元素的含量与广州市正常值之间存在显著差异, P< 0-01 , 说明芳村区婴幼儿体内微量元素的含量尚需从各种途径加以提高或控制, 以促进儿童体格、智力等方面的发育。
The content of Zn,Fe,Ca,Cu,Mn,Pb,I in hair of 240 normal infants in Fangcun district of Guangzhou was dertermined and compared with the standard content of the infants in Guangzhou.The results showed that the content of 6 elements in hair were different between the normal infants in Fangcun distict and those in Guangzhou, P <0 01.It suggested that the content of trace elements in infants of the Fangcun district should be improved or controled in different ways so that can promote the physical and intellectual development of children in the Fangcun district.
Trace Elements Science