Objective The laboratory quality control, QC, for an epidemiological study of HIV/ HCV infection in Shanxi province of China was analyzed, so as to study the influence of laboratory Qc measures upon the quality of epidemiological study result. Methods Laboratory Qc measures, including laboratory Qc samples testing and confirmatory testing on sampled specimens from the site laboratory were carried out during all phases of the epidemiological study. Strengthening measures, including more training for the testing personnel, more frequent testing proficiency evaluation and higher percentage of sampling of the site specimens for confirmatory testing were implemented in the main study. Results HIV specimens for quality control were congruent between the site and QC laboratory during the pilot study. During the main study, all 4 specimens with undetermined testing results were confirmed negative. With site testing procedure checked and quality record analyzed, the validity of all HIV testing results were obtained. During the pilot phase of HCV study, the site laboratory only obtained congruency rates of 66.7% and 95.1% on the QA samples and on the sampled specimens for confirmatory testing, respectively, resulting in the invalidity of all HCV testing results in the pilot study. With corrective QC measures in place, such as adequate personnel training and intensive testing proficiency evaluation, the congruency rate achieved 100% on the QA samples and on the sampling specimens for confirmatdry testing during the HCV main study. Thus the validity of all HCV testing results in the main study was obtained. Conclusion Laboratory QC is especially important in timely identifying deficiencies in laboratory testing, adjusting and optimizing QC protocols, which further guarantee accu- racy and reliability of the studies.
International Journal of Virology