
磷高效小麦基因型对不同磷肥效应的研究 被引量:6

Studies on Effects of Various Soluble Phosphatic Fertilizers forWheat Genotypes with Phosphorus Efficiencies*
摘要 温室条件下,利用盆栽试验研究石灰性土壤施用不同类型磷肥对小麦基因型生长发育的影响.结果表明,施用各种磷肥对不同小麦基因型皆有不同的增产效果,且不同磷效率小麦基因型间对磷肥类型的反应存在着明显差异.磷低效基因型与磷高效基因型不仅对水溶性磷肥(磷酸二铵、普钙)的增产效应有显著差异,而且对枸溶性(沉淀磷肥)和难溶性磷肥(磷矿粉),磷高效基因型的产量也相对较高,如对沉淀磷肥80-55的子粒产量为4.88g/盆,而代-108的子粒产量为13.26g/盆,洛夫林的子粒产量高达14.23g/盆.表现了磷高效基因型小麦对枸溶、难溶态磷相对较高的活化。 Under glasshouse conditions, studies on effect of various soluble phosphatic fertilizers for wheat genotypes with phosphorus (P) efficiencies were carried out by using pot experiment with calcareous soil. The results indicated that, there were certain beneficial effects for all kinds of phosphatic fertilizers used based on the growth and development of wheat genotypes but some differences between P highly efficient (Pefficient) and low efficient (Pinefficient) genotypes existed as well. The efficient genotypes had higher yield not only with watersoluble (e.g.diammonium phosphate and single super phosphate) but also with citratesoluble (CaHPO4 for example) and hardly (or acid) soluble phosphatic fertilizers (such as rock phosphate). It implies that Pefficient genotypes of wheat can activate or reactivate and take up more phosphorus from soil or fertilizers which is not available for conventional (or inefficient) genotypes or varieties of wheat. Furthermore, Pefficient genotypes reached high yields t
出处 《环境科学》 EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 1999年第5期6-10,共5页 Environmental Science
基金 国家自然科学基金
关键词 磷肥类型 小麦基因型 磷效率 石灰性土壤 盆栽试验 phosphatic fertilizer, wheat genotypes, phosphorus efficiency, calcareous soil, pot experiment. hrough their higher reactivity, absorption or utilization of phosphatic fertilizers.
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