本文应用经济学理论解释了规模经济问题, 并以我国汽车行业为例, 分析由于规模变化而引发的收益递增或成本递减情况. 说明我国很多行业严重存在重复建设的弊病, 应采用计划投资和调整产业结构, 使其趋于合理化的方法加以解决.
This paper applies the economics theory to explicate the problems ofthe scale economy . Takingthe automobile industry as an example,it analyzesthe profitincreasing and the cost decreasing that caused by the variation ofthe economic scale ..Itillustratesthatthe repeated constructions exists seriously in vari ouslines ofindustry in the domestic and suggests thatthe governmentshould solve the problems by adjust ing the industrialstructure and promoting the rationalization of the structure.
Journal of Tianjin Institute of Technology