
奥巴马政府对华政策新态势与中美关系 被引量:1

New Trends of Obama Administration's China Policy and Sino-US Relations
摘要 奥巴马上台后对美国的国家安全战略进行了重大调整,以重塑美国的领导地位。这种调整必然带来美国对华政策的变化,美国对华政策展现出一些新的特点,其总体特征是"积极接触+多方位合作+战略遏制"。对于奥巴马政府对华政策的新态势,中国应该积极加以应对,维护本国利益。 Obama made big adjustment of US' national security strategy after he came to power so as to renew US' leadership in the world.This adjustment would lead changes of US' China policy.US' China policy presented some new characteristics,whese general characteristics are "active contact+ multi-aspect cooperation+ strategic containment".For these new trends,China shall respond actively so as to defend China's interests.
作者 贾春阳
出处 《北京科技大学学报(社会科学版)》 2011年第1期150-156,共7页 Journal of University of Science and Technology Beijing(Social Sciences Edition)
关键词 奥巴马 对华政策 新态势 中美关系 Obama China Policy new trends Sino-US Relations
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