
全球导航星座的远地/深空导航应用研究 被引量:3

The application research of global navigation constellation for HEO (high earth orbit) satellites and deep-space satellites
摘要 全球卫星导航系统为低轨和地面用户提供导航服务已有广泛的研究.中高轨卫星以及深空卫星的定轨、定姿和时间同步,目前主要利用地面测控系统完成,存在设备复杂、投资高、无法同时支持大量飞行器、无法自主运行等缺点.本文研究中高轨卫星和深空卫星利用全球导航星座进行定轨、定姿和授时服务的可行性,实现其扩展应用,寻求全球导航星座作为天基网时空基准的高效途径,使得天基网的自主导航与自主运行成为可能.论文提供了一套解决方案,在不增加卫星设备的前提下,通过星间链路的巧妙设计,实现对远地、深空飞行器的无源导航服务,重点研究了卫星可见性、几何精度因子(GDOP)等内容,进行了定位、定时精度分析,为全球导航星座的建设提供思路. It has been widely studied that GNSS(global navigation satellite system) offers navigation for Ground-Based users and LEO(low earth orbit.) users.At present,it mainly depends on Ground-Based measurement and control system that HEO satellites and deep-space satellites determine their orbits and attitude,and synchronize their time.The Ground-Based measurement and control system which has complex equipment and high investment can't support abundant aerocrafts at the same time,and can't operate autonomously.This article studied the possibility of orbit determination,attitude determination,and time synchronization with global navigation constellation for HEO satellites and deep-space satellites,and consequently achieved the extended applications of global navigation constellation.It found out a high efficient way for global navigation constellation to operating as time and space reference for constellation networks,in order that constellation networks autonomously operate and navigate.And it also putted forward a solution to realize passive navigation for HEO satellites and deep-space satellites by skillfully designing the links between satellites,without increasing equipment on satellites.The research focused on the number of visible satellites and GDOP(geometric dilution of precision) value.The precision of positioning and time determination was also analyzed in order to provide new ideas for the construction of global navigation constellation.
出处 《中国科学:物理学、力学、天文学》 CSCD 北大核心 2011年第5期581-588,共8页 Scientia Sinica Physica,Mechanica & Astronomica
关键词 全球导航星座 远地导航 深空导航 定位精度 global navigation constellation navigating for HEO satellites navigating for deep-space satellites positioning precision
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