At the present,there are many serious divergences and contradictions within and between the standards of Chinese curriculum(e.g.standard answer and the standards for answers,topics,test guidelines and Chinese curriculum),which has led to many problems in Chinese instruction.In order to eliminate these divergences and contradictions,there must be a basic standard for all the standards in Chinese curriculum.The basic standard is derived from four aspects as following:(1)the normative standard, concerning whether the normative content is right,including pronunciation,spelling,meaning and grammar etc.;(2)the common sense standard,which requires the judgment based on the facts of life;(3)the utterance relevance standard,which requires judgment based on language cognitive law;that is,if utterances are obviously irrelevant,non-communicating-oriented and incorrect,they should be denied.The extent to which the utterances are in line with the cognitive law depends on the extent to which the utterances are close to the communication aim;(4)the common measure standard,which requires us discuss,critique and examine the curriculum in context in light of the foregoing three standards,and reach agreement to the maximum extent to ensure the dialogue coordination and efficient communication in operation in the practice of Chinese curriculum.The Chinese curriculum standards in the context of basic education curriculum reform must also be restricted by the basic standard.
Journal of Educational Studies
Chinese curriculum
Chinese curriculum standards
the basic standard