Gateway technology has been demonstrated to be easy and successful in construction of expression vectors for genes of interest. However, the present Gateway plant destination vectors do not contain any sequence for targeting expressed proteins of interest to chloroplasts. The Xmn Ⅰ restriction site was converted into a HindⅢ site in the Gateway entry vector pENTR-2B to generate pENTR*-2B and a Gateway entry vetcor designated as pENTR*-PrbcS-*T-GFP was constructed by subcloning the tomato Rubisco small subunit 3C promoter (PrbcS) and its transit peptide sequence (*T) as well as a GFP (green fluorescent protein) reporter gene into pENTR*-2B. These results demonstrated that the pENTR*-PrbcS-*T-GFP could be used to generate the plant expression vector via Gateway technology for targeting the expressed GFP into the chloroplasts of transgenic plant leaves. Similar results were also obtained for GUS ([3-glucuronidase) reporter gene when it was used to replace the GFP gene in pENTR*-PrbcS-*T-GFP. These results indicated that pENTR*-PrbcS-*T-GFP can be generally applied to generate an entry vector for a target gene by replacement of the GFP with the target gene and the plant expression vector that serves to localize the expressed target protein in chloroplasts can be achieved rapidly via Gateway technology.
Progress In Biochemistry and Biophysics
supported by grants from National Basic Research Program of China(2007CB108901)
The National Natural Science Foundation of China(30670163)
The foundation of Yunnan Province and Kunming University of Science and Technology for Training Adult and Young Leaders of Science and Technology(2004PY01-5)~~