
日本低碳产业国际竞争对策分析 被引量:2

Analysis of the Global Competition Strategy of Japanese Low-carbon Industry
摘要 近年来,在全球低碳经济潮流不可逆转的趋势下,日本政府在国内和国际两个层面制定了一整套策略组合,在应对能源安全和气候变化双重压力的同时,增强本国企业低碳技术的开发和部署能力,帮助企业在未来的全球低碳经济竞争中抢占先机。日本的低碳政策具有前瞻性和重大战略意义,值得研究和借鉴。 The global low - carbon boom in recent years have prompted Japanese government to make a portfolio of domestic and international policies to cope with the dual pressures generated from energy security issues and climate change. These policies target at strengthening domestic firms' ability in R&D and application of low- carbon technologies, which guarantee first -mover advantages in the future global low -carbon econo- my. The Japanese policy portfolio is forward looking and strategically important, which is implicated and worthy of further researches.
作者 何一鸣 鲍泓
出处 《现代日本经济》 CSSCI 2011年第3期27-34,共8页 Contemporary Economy OF Japan
基金 中国海洋发展研究中心重点项目"世界重大海洋事件研究"(AOCZD200809)
关键词 低碳经济 节能 减排 能源安全 气候变化 低碳技术 Low - carbon Economy Energy Saving Mitigation of Emission Energy Security Climate Change Low - carbon Technology
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