
光泵碱金属蒸气激光泵浦光源线宽压缩的分析 被引量:1

Analysis on compressing the line-width of the pump source of diode-pumped alkli (vopor) lasers
摘要 分析了各种压缩光泵碱金属蒸气激光泵浦光源线宽的方法,包括在Littrow结构中使用全息光栅、体布拉格光栅和F-P标准具。分析各种方法的实验装置,比较其取得的成果和优缺点,指出优化方向,为求寻找到一种装置简单,压缩效果显著,同时将功率损耗降到最小的方法提供了指导。 The approaches of compressing the line width of pump source of DPAL(diode-pumped alkali vopor lasers) have been analyzed in this paper,including employment of holographic grating,volume Bragg grating and Fabry-Perot etalon in the Littrow structure.The setup of different ways have been analyzed and their results,advantages and disadvantages have been compared,providing scientific guidance to looking for a method which has a simple setup,efficient reduction of the line-width and the least power loss.
机构地区 浙江大学物理系
出处 《激光与红外》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2011年第4期407-411,共5页 Laser & Infrared
基金 国家自然科学基金项目(No.10974176) 浙江省自然科学基金项目(No.Y1090087)资助
关键词 近红外激光 线宽压缩 分析压缩方法 光栅 F-P标准具 near infrared laser line-width reduction analysis on methods of compressing the line-width grating F-P etalon
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