在荧光显微镜下观察新型光敏剂R藻红蛋白的荧光在肿瘤细胞中的分布,探讨以藻红蛋白为光敏药物的光动力损伤可能发生的细胞水平机制,以及培养液酸度和藻红蛋白浓度对其与细胞结合、进入及光动力杀伤的关系.结果表明在pH5 时,藻红蛋白与瘤细胞有最好的结合.其结合部位随藻红蛋白浓度的增加,逐渐以分布在胞膜、胞浆和胞核为主,表现为一个动态进入细胞的过程.光动力杀伤作用与其进入细胞的数量成正相关,从形态学上证明了R藻红蛋白介导的光动力治疗作用与藻红蛋白进入瘤细胞状态紧密相关.
In order to explore the possibly involved morphological mechanism of R phycoerythrin (R PE) mediated photodynamic killing at cell level, the fluorescence distribution of R phycoerythrin——a novel photosensitizer in tumor cells——was observed. The effect of R phycoerythrin concentration and pH of culture medium on the combination of it with tumor cells was also studied in this report. The results show that the combination of R PE with the cell is the best at pH5, and it demonstrates a dynamic process from cell membrane into nucleus with the increase of R phycoerythrin concentration. It is proved that the efficacy of R PE mediated photodynamic therapy is directly relative to its combination with tumor cells which is affected by R PE concentration.
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