新中 国成 立后 ,党中 央三 代领 导集 体一 直致 力于 对大 西北 民族 地区 的开 发与 建设 ,经 过近 50年的 发展,我国 西部民 族地区在 经济、政 治、科技 、教育、文 化、卫生等 项事业 取得了举 世瞩目的 成就。今 天,在党的 十五大精 神指引下 ,大西北 各族人 民将继续 大力发展 民族 地区 经济 文化 建设 ,为 社会 主义 现代 化建 设事业作 出新的贡
Great leaders of the CPC have paid much attention to the development and construction in minorities areas in Northwest China since the founding of new China.In the past 50 years great achievcments havc bccn made in cconomy,politics,sciene and technology,education,culture and public health in these areas.Today,Guided by the spirit of the 15th National Representatives Reference of the Communist Party of China,all the nationalities in Northwest China are developing major efforts to develop their economy and culture.They are making greater contribution in consolidating national border areas,strengthening national defence and safeguarding national unity. [
Journal of Northwest Minorities University(Social Sciences)