城市污水和工业废水中含有的氮、磷等植物性营养物质是导致湖泊等缓流水体富营养化的主要原因。通过绝氧———好氧活性污泥法去除 B O D 的同时也去除引起水体富营养化的盐———磷,以抑制水生植物繁衍,达到防止水体富营养化的目的。
Hydrogen and phosphorus and other eutrophia materials contained in urban and industrial waste water. Are main causes that cause wave eutrophia. BOD in mud can be wiped out by non-oxygen-oxygen-active mud. In the meanwhile phosphorus, a kind of salt that cause wave eutrophia can be also wiped out in order to restrain production of water plants and received good results in prevention of wave eutrophia.
Henan Science