目的总结环孢素联合雄激素治疗再生障碍性贫血的临床效果。方法选择1997年1月至2010年8月在我院住院的再生障碍性贫血患者208例,根据分型分为SAA组60例,CAA组148例。SAA患者随机分为2组,分别为CSA治疗组和CSA+雄激素联合治疗组;CAA患者随机分为2组,分别为CSA治疗组和CSA+雄激素联合治疗组。结果 60例重型再障治疗有效率为33.3%,单用环孢素(CSA)治疗有效率为16.7%,CSA和雄激素联合应用的治疗有效率为44.4%;148例慢性再障治疗有效率为73.0%,单用CSA治疗有效率为66.7%,CSA和雄激素联合应用的治疗有效率为76.0%。结论 CSA和雄激素联合应用为治疗AA的有效方法。
Objective Summary CsA combined with androgen aplastic anemia results.Methods Select January 1997~August 2010 208 cases diagnosed among AA patients,divided according to type good CAA group SAA group were 60 cases and 148 cases.SAA patients were randomly divided into two groups,namely CSA CSA androgen treatment group and combined treatment group;CAA patients were randomly divided into two groups,namely CSA CSA androgen treatment group and combined treatment group.Result 60 patients with severe aplastic anemia treatment rate was 33.3%,single with cyclosporine(CSA) treatment rate was 16.7%,CSA and androgen therapy combined effective rate of 44.4%;148 cases of chronic aplastic anemia treatment rate was 73.0% CSA therapy alone effective rate of 66.7%,CSA and androgen therapy combined effective rate of 76.0%.Conclusion CSA and the male hormone on an effective method for the treatment of AA.
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