
营养缺乏胁迫下水稻籽粒蛋白质组图谱分析 被引量:2

An Analysis on Grain Proteome Map of Rice under Nutrition Deficient Stress
摘要 从蛋白质组学角度对营养缺乏胁迫下水稻籽粒蛋白质组变化进行研究,以揭示营养缺乏胁迫下水稻籽粒蛋白质组的表达差异。水稻生育后期设清水及常规营养液培养2种处理,待水稻成熟时提取籽粒蛋白质,经双向电泳分离得到电泳图谱2张,应用Imagemaster 2D Elite5.0软件对其进行蛋白质差异表达分析,共得到10个发生差异表达蛋白质点。蛋白质是细胞功能的执行者,受细胞功能或细胞环境变化的影响。因此,上述蛋白质发生变化的原因应与水稻在营养缺乏胁迫下籽粒生长发育特性有关。 In order to reveal proteomic changes in rice grains under nutrition deficient stress,the protein expression profile of rice grain under nutrition deficient stress was studied by using the approach of plant proteomics.Rice was cultured with pure water and normal nutrient solution at the late development stage.The grain proteins were extracted from mature rice and investigated by 2-DE.2 maps were obtained and analyzed by Imagemaster 2D Elite 5.0.Software quantification showed that 10 proteins' expression abundance changed in response to nutrient stress.Protein is the carrier of cell function and significantly influenced by the variation of cell function or intercellular environment,therefore,the cause of the above protein changes should be related to the development of rice grain under nutrition deficient stress.
出处 《江西农业大学学报》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2011年第2期217-221,共5页 Acta Agriculturae Universitatis Jiangxiensis
基金 国家"十一五"科技支撑计划(2006BAD02A04) 江西省农业科学院创新基金(2008CBS003)
关键词 水稻籽粒 蛋白质组学 2D图谱 rice grain proteomics 2-DE map
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