

Study on the bronchodilation response curve in guinea-pig asthma models
摘要 目的探讨豚鼠哮喘模型气道舒张反应曲线的特点。方法应用博利康尼进行支气管舒张试验,多时间点观测豚鼠哮喘模型和健康对照组气道阻力和病理形态学随时间的变化。结果哮喘模型组大气道内面积、内径在吸药后60分钟内增大明显,240分钟时达到最大,30分钟后各时间点与吸药前相比,统计学有差异性(P<0.05);小气道内面积、内径在15分钟时下降到最小,60分钟时达到最大,15分钟和60分钟时与吸药前相比均有统计学差异性(P<0.05)。大气道内面积、内径的变化拟合二次曲线拟合度较好(R2=0.946),拟合方程显著(F=26.38,P=0.012),而小气道二次曲线拟合度差,曲线方程不显著(P>0.05)。对照组豚鼠吸药前后大、小气道内面积、内径无明显变化(P>0.05),拟合二次曲线拟合度差,曲线方程不显著(P>0.05)。结论哮喘大、小气道扩张过程不同,支气管舒张反应曲线有一定应用价值。 Objective To investigate the feature of bronchodilation response curve in guinea-pig asthma models.Methods Guinea-pig asthma models and health controls were given the bronchodilator tests through inhaling Bricanyl.The development of air way resistance and pathomorphology were observed at different time points before and after inhaling Bricanyl.Results The value of total area and interior diameter of large airway obviously increased in 60 minutes and achieved the maximum at 240 minutes.There were significant differences between post drug 30 minutes and before using the drug(P0.05).The value of parameters for small airway reached the minimum at 15 minutes and achieved the maximum at 60 minutes.There were significant differences in the value of small airway parameters between after drug 15 or 60 minutes and before using drug(P0.05).The fitting quadr-curves model equations for each parameter over time were statistically significant in large airway(P0.05),while it failed to achieve statistically significant in small airway.Conclusion Our results suggest that there are some differences during airways dilating between large and small airways.Bronchodilation response curve maybe have a certain application value.
出处 《中国实验诊断学》 北大核心 2011年第4期596-599,共4页 Chinese Journal of Laboratory Diagnosis
关键词 支气管舒张 气道 哮喘 bronchodilation airways asthma
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