背景:组织工程技术的发展为半月板损伤的修复和再造开辟了新的途径,利用该技术构建有功能的半月板在防治半月板切除后的并发症中有重要意义。目的:综述了组织工程材料在半月板运动损伤修复中的可行性及特点。方法:由第一作者检索1990/2010 PubMed数据库及中国知网数据库有关天然生物材料、人工合成材料、纳米材料修复半月板损伤的文章。英文检索词为"meniscus,sports injuries,repair,tissue engineering,material",中文检索词为"半月板,运动损伤,修复,组织工程,支架材料"。结果与结论:由于半月板的血供特点,致使半月板无血运区损伤不具备愈合能力。组织工程技术的发展为半月板损伤的修复和再造开辟了新途径。目前报道较多的修复半月板支架材料主要有天然生物材料、人工合成材料、纳米材料等。组织工程化半月板的研究已取得了阶段性的成果,但对支架材料正处于研发实验阶段,还没确定出一种最理想的材料,因此寻求一种具有良好的细胞相容性,可控制的降解率并具有一定力学强度的支架材料仍是半月板组织工程的研究热点。
BACKGROUND:The development of tissue engineering provides a new approach for the repair and reconstruction of meniscal injuries,it is important to construct a functional meniscus using this technology for the prevention of complications after meniscectomy.OBJECTIVE:To summarize the feasibility and characteristics of tissue engineering materials in the repair of sports meniscal injury.METHODS:A computer-based search of PubMed and CNKI databases from 1990 to 2010 was performed by the first author for articles about natural biomaterials,synthetic materials,nano-materials in repair of meniscal injury.English key words are "meniscus,sports injuries,repair,tissue engineering,material",Chinese key words are "meniscus,sports injury,repair,tissue engineering,scaffold materials".RESULTS AND CONCLUSION:Due to the blood supply characteristics of the meniscus,meniscal injury in the avascular zone is not able to heal.The development of tissue engineering provides a new approach for the repair and reconstruction of meniscal injury.The currently used scaffolds for meniscal injury repair include natural biomaterials,synthetic materials,nano-materials and so on.Tissue engineering meniscus research has yielded progressive results,but the scaffold studies are in the experimental stage,there is no an ideal material,thus a scaffold with good cell compatibility,controllable degradation rate and mechanical strength is still a research hotspot of meniscus tissue engineering.
Journal of Clinical Rehabilitative Tissue Engineering Research