
加强经济学教学的实证特色——基于芝加哥学派“价格理论”课程的研究 被引量:1

Strengthening the Positive Characteristics in Economics Teaching——Based on Chicago School's "Price Theory" Class
摘要 在中国,随着高等教育的发展,经济学在大学课堂中也变得越来越普及,重要性日益增加。但由于课程内容本身来自西方,以及自身发展变化很快,使得传统的课堂教学方式往往无法实现目标。在此通过对芝加哥学派及其"价格理论"课程的讨论,定义现代经济学的实证属性,进而为中国的经济学教学确定目标,提供参考。 With the expansion of higher education of China, economics in university class is becoming increasingly popular with growing importance. However, due to the eourse content itselffrom the West and its rapid changing development, the traditional classroom teaching methods are often unable to achieve its objectives. This article defines the positive attribute of modem economics through discussing about Chicago school and "the price theory class and thus determines China's economics teaching objective and provides an important reference to it.
作者 谷宏伟
出处 《长春理工大学学报(社会科学版)》 2011年第4期167-169,共3页 Journal of Changchun University of Science and Technology(Social Sciences Edition)
基金 2009年度校级重点教学研究课题
关键词 芝加哥学派 价格理论 实证 Chicago School price theory positive
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