

Multitask based scheduling algorithm Vxworks
摘要 针对机载二次配电系统(the Second Power Distribution Association,缩写为SPDA)的任务调度,提出了一种选择时间片轮转与静态权重优先级抢占混合的调度算法,并进行了算法仿真。 The algorithm used for tasks scheduling is of great importance to embedded system.Just for the second power distribution accouterment(SPDA),a hybrid algorithm,round-robin scheduling and static priority-base preemptive scheduling contained,is designed and simulated in Vxworks.
出处 《信息通信》 2011年第2期43-45,共3页 Information & Communications
关键词 VXWORKS 实时 信号量 优先级 调度 Vxworks real-time scheduling priority round-robin
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