用参数空间方法优化了(0, 2π)BTN液晶盒的光学性质, 从而发现新的(0,2π)BTN显示模式具有更高的对比度和更大的dΔn 值。实验表明,对比度最高可达250:1。在- 80°~+ 80°水平视角范围内对比度仍不低于80:1。较大的dΔn
Optical properties of a (0,2π) transmissive BTN LC cell is optimized by parameter space method.Experimentally the high contrast ratios above 80 within -80° to +80° viewing angle ranges were first obtained.The highest contrast ratio is 250.The large dΔn makes this new BTN has the possibilities of large cell gap and low operating voltage.
Advanced Display