
MTA1在不同肝癌细胞和组织中的表达及其调控初步研究 被引量:4

Expression of MTA1 in Different Cell Lines and Liver Cancer Tissues
摘要 用RT-PCR的方法检测了不同来源的肝细胞和不同的临床来源肝组织样本中MTA1表达差异,发现在肝癌细胞HepG2和SSMC-7721中的MTA1表达显著高于正常来源肝细胞L02,在肝癌组织的MTA1表达量是正常对照和癌旁组织的2倍左右,同时其在转移性肝癌的MTA-1表达也高于非转移肝癌。利用信号通路筛选的方法对常见的和肿瘤相关转录因子进行分析,发现MTA1可以显著的增强癌基因RB的表达,同时对抑癌基因p53具有抑制作用。这些结果说明MTA1在肝癌的发生发展以及转移过程中可能扮演着重要的作用。 MTA1 gene expression in different liver cell lines and liver tissue samples was measured by RT-PCR.The results showed that the expression of MTA1 in HepG2 and SSMC-7721 was higher than L02,meanwhile MTA1 in normal liver tissue and adjacent tissue was lower than liver cancer,and in metastatic liver cancer it was the highest.Furthermore,cancer associated transcript factors was determined by signaling screen method.The results showed that oncogene RB expression was incresed by MTA,but tumor suppressor gene p53 expression was decreased by MTA.Those fundings suggested that MTA1 may play critical roles in the formation and metastatic of liver cancer.
出处 《药物生物技术》 CAS CSCD 2011年第2期106-110,共5页 Pharmaceutical Biotechnology
基金 蚌埠医学院科研项目 BY0817
关键词 MTA1 肝癌 转移 信号通路 MTA1 Liver cancer Metastatic Signaling pathway
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