
基于动态网格细分的烟雾模拟 被引量:2

Smoke simulation based on dynamic grid refinement
摘要 提出了一种基于动态网格细分的烟雾模拟方法,该方法主要采取图形设备上的动态网格管理对烟雾进行并行处理以达到泊松方程的迭代求解。为了实现高性能,利用高速缓存以提高存取权限和适应硬件的能力。实验结果表明,该方法能够实现比较快速的模拟,结果比较令人满意。 We present a smoke simulation with dynamic grid refinement.The irregular and dynamic structure patterns for parallel processing and the distribution of tasks to multiple threads and the iterative solving of the Poisson equation.In order to achieve high performance,we utilize the hardware's capabilities like fast cache access.The results of a visual simulation of smoke is presented.
出处 《微型机与应用》 2011年第8期33-35,38,共4页 Microcomputer & Its Applications
关键词 流体模拟 烟雾模拟 网格细分 动态网格 fluid simulation smoke simulation grid refinement dynamic grid
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