目的 探讨UF-100i全自动尿有形成份分析仪在脑脊液细胞分析中的应用.方法 无菌采集脑脊液后,用UF-100i全自动尿有形成份分析仪对标本进行分析及传统手工方法分别计数脑脊液细胞,对计数结果进行统计学分析.结果 UF-100全自动尿有形成份分析仪检测红细胞、白细胞与显微镜目测法计数经配对t检验,无显著差异.结论 全自动尿有形成份分析仪计数脑脊液中的细胞快速、结果准确且重复性好,适合临床常规检测脑脊液标本.
Objective To discuss the application of the UF-100i fully automated urine cell analyzer in the cells in the cerebrospinal fluid. Methods We made a collection of the asepsis cerebrospinal fluid, and counted the cells number with the UF-100i fully automated urine cell analyzer and the traditional method. Results The test match t (α=0. 05),there is no marked difference in meaning and sexual.UF-100i fully automated urine cell analyzer can be considered in the test of the red cells,white cells and get a law of the counting have no significant differences. Conclusion It is very quick,accurate and good repeatability of the UF-100i fully automated urine cell analyzer counting the cells in the cerebrospinal fluid.It is fit for regular inspection and clinical specimens of cerebrospinal fluid.
Chinese Journal of Hemorheology