利用多种资料研究了太阳活动11年周期对全球气温、风场、海表温度(SST)的影响,结果表明:(1)在第21、22太阳活动周,中低纬对流层顶以上大气温度变化具有类似太阳黑子变化的11年左右周期,相对于太阳黑子数,气温变化具有1~2年的延迟性;相对于太阳活动低年,200~10hPa大气在太阳活动高年整层增温,以赤道低纬地区最显著;太阳活动对200 hPa以下大气温度影响不明显.(2)在热带纬向风准两年振荡(QBO)的西风位相期间,太阳活动影响极地和热带之间平流层和高对流层的经向环流.高太阳活动时,太阳加热扰动使得极区平流层西风急流强度减弱,冬半球极区平流层增暖,中纬低平流层西风增强、温度下降.QBO东风位相时太阳活动作用相对较弱.(3)太阳活动相对高年,赤道中东太平洋地区具有SST负距平分布,强度与范围较拉尼娜事件小,未通过95%显著性检验.
Solar and climate data were used to analyze the influence of the ll-yr solar cycle on the global temperature, zonal wind cycle, variationand the sea surface temperature (SST). The results show that during the 21st and 22nd solars of the atmospheric temperature above tropopause at low and middle latitudes show a cyclic period roughly similar to the ll-year solar cycle period as the sunspot number (SSN), while the cyclic variation in the temperature being delayed by 1~2 years relative to SSN. Temperature of the 200~10 hPa layer at solar maximum suggests an increase relative to that at solar minimum, while that in the area near the equator is most significant. And the solar activity has little influence on the atmospheric temperature of the layer below 200 hPa. In the west phase of the quasi- biennial oscillation (QBO), the solar activity affects the climate of the Arctic and tropic through influencing the stratospheric and tropospheric meridional circulation. At solar maximum, solar heating anomalies weaken the strength of polar stratospheric jet, and this influences the path of upward propagating planetary waves which deposit their zonal momentum on the poleward side of the jet, so polar temperatures in the stratosphere increase while stratospheric temperatures of middle latitudes decrease. In the east phase of QBO, the solar activity influences the atmospheric circulation less. At solar maximum, average anomalies of SST in the central and eastern equatorial Pacific are negative, while the intensity and the area of anomalies are less than that in La Nifia events, and the anomalies are below the 95% significance.
Progress in Geophysics
solar activity, atmospheric temperature, sea surface temperature, quasi-biennial oscillation