目的 Epley法是良性阵发性位置性眩晕(benign paroxysmal positional vertigo,BPPV)的主要治疗方法之一,本文观察这一耳石复位法对后半规管BPPV的临床疗效。方法 BPPV的诊断参照2007年中华医学会鼻咽喉头颈外科分会发表的指南。通过Dix-Hallpike试验,患者头为一侧偏向悬位时,出现向下耳扭转及上跳性眼震,眼震潜伏期3~15s,眼震的持续时间小于1min。结果后半规管BPPV明确诊断后,此402例伴耳科症状后的BPPV患者经Epley耳石手法复位,其376例患者1次治愈,17例患者经2次治愈,9例患者治疗无效。结论这种Epley耳石复位手法可行性强,安全性,可靠性稳定,恢复速度快,已成为笔者医院耳鼻咽喉-头颈外科眩晕诊疗中心在治疗良性阵发性位置性眩晕的重要方法。
Objective Epley is one of the main method in the treatment of benign paroxysmal positional vertigo . This study was to observe the clinical efficacy of epley for Posterior semicircular canal benign paroxysmal positional vertigo. Methods Diagnosis of BPPV referenced the Chinese Medical Association published guidelines for Head and Neck Surgery Branch(2007). By Dix- Hallpike test, the latency of nystagmus was about 3 - 15s, and the duration of nystagmus was less than lmin. Results 402 patients with BPPV got Epley treatment,of whom,376 people used one time getting well, 17 people used twice getting well, only 9 people failed to respond to medical treatment. Conclusion This Epley is quite feasible. What's more, safety and reliability are very stabilized, recovering fast. It has already become a significant approach in the diagnosis and treatment center in BPPV in our hospital.
Journal of Medical Research