西门塔尔母牛育成期的生长发育规律主要表现为体重的增加和体型的变化,在整个发育过程中体现出本身系统发育的阶段性和个体发育的不平衡性。育成母牛18 月龄时日增重达881g,体重达434.6kg,占成年母牛体重的78.9% ;体长率达122.0% ,占成年母牛体长率的95.3% 。
The growth and development of Simmental heifers mainly demonstrated as the body weight increase and the conformation changes. There exists the unbalance of individual development and the stage characters of systematic development during the whole process of development. Heifers at the age of 18 month old could reach the BW gain of 881 g; have the BW of 434.6 kg and the body length rate of 122.0% which accounted for 78.9% and 95.3% of adult cows, respectively.
Journal of Yellow Cattle Science