采用高剂量锌碘硒以3 种不同组合形式日粮饲喂34 周龄蛋鸡, 进行连续4 周试验, 记录产蛋量、蛋重和饲料消耗, 测定各组鸡蛋品质, 结果表明: 第1 、2 组产蛋率、蛋重、饲料转化率无显著影响( P > 0-05) , 第3 组生产性能显著下降( P < 0-05) ; 蛋形指数、蛋壳厚度、哈氏单位、蛋壳强度各组无显著差异( P > 0-05) , 各组鸡蛋营养成分无显著差异( P > 0-05) 。
An experiment was conducted with 34-week old layers to study the effect of excessive Zn,Se and I supplementation on performance of the layers.During the experimental period of 4 weeks,Egg production,egg size and feed consumption were recorded.Indexes of egg quality were measured.The results showed that laying performance were not significant affect in Group 1,2 by the treatments.Laying performance was obviously decreased in group 3(P<0 05) and qualities of eggs were not different in all groups.
Animal Husbandry & Veterinary Medicine