
国际法庭在跨界水资源争端解决中的作用——以盖巴斯科夫-拉基玛洛项目案为例 被引量:7

The Role of International Tribunal in Settling Disputes on Transboundary Water Resources:Taking Case Concerning the Gabí kovo-Nagymaros Project as a Case Study
摘要 随着水资源的日益短缺,跨界水资源纠纷越来越多,国际法庭必将更多地参与其中。评析国际法院在解决斯洛伐克和匈牙利之间盖巴斯科夫-拉基玛洛项目案中的作用,可以发现国际法庭有时不能正确认识和区分法学追求正义之理想同法律应当寻求消除实在争端之间的关系。因此,水道国在解决跨界水资源争端时,需要就是否适合选择国际法庭作为争端解决方式,以及如何选择适用于解决争端的法律作出谨慎而明智的选择。 With the increasing shortage of water resources,transboundary water disputes will be more and more,international tribunals will be more involved.Analyzing the role of the International Court of Justice in settling the Case Concerning the Gabíkovo-Nagymaros Project between Slovakia and Hungary,one may find that the tribunals sometimes can not correctly understand and distinguish the relationship between the pursuit of the ideals of justice in the science of law and the law's seeking elimination of the concrete disputes.Therefore,in addressing a transboundary water dispute,the watercourse State should make careful and wise choices when making a decision of whether choosing an international tribunal as a method of dispute resolution,as well as how to choose the applicable law employed in settling the dispute.
作者 胡德胜
出处 《重庆大学学报(社会科学版)》 CSSCI 北大核心 2011年第2期1-7,共7页 Journal of Chongqing University(Social Science Edition)
基金 教育部社科研究基金规划项目"基于水资源可再生能力的我国生态系统保护机制研究"(10YJAZH027) 中央高校基本科研业务费专项资金资助
关键词 跨界水资源 争端解决 国际法庭 盖巴斯科夫-拉基玛洛项目案 transboundary water resources dispute settlement international tribunal Case Concerning the Gabíkovo-Nagymaros Project
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