
无机元素在生物质气流床气化中挥发性研究 被引量:3

摘要 利用一套小型生物质层流气流床气化系统进行木屑气化试验并对残炭进行收集称重。通过ICP及EDX-SEM仪器对残炭灰成分和残炭形态进行分析,研究了无机元素在生物质气流床气化过程中析出挥发的问题。结果表明:随着反应温度的升高,各无机元素的挥发率也随之升高,其中碱金属Na、K,碱土金属Mg、Ca的挥发高峰集中在600~800℃之间,而非金属元素P、S、Cl的挥发高峰多在600℃以下;氧配比为0.8时,Na的挥发率在1400℃时达到了76%,K的挥发率也达到了72%,而氧配比为0.2时,无机元素的挥发率相对偏低,其中№的挥发率在1400℃时为63%,K的挥发率为61%。 Experiments of the sawdust gasification were done using a lab-scale biomass laminar entrained flow gasiiication system and the contents of different residues captured by cyclone and filter were measured. The composition and morphology of the residue ash were analyzed using ICP and EDX-SEM for studying emission behavior of inorganic elements with different reaction temperatures. The results indicate that all of the inorganic elements have different emission degree with the reaction temperature rising. The high emission behavior of the alkali metal Na, K and alkaline-earth metal Mg, Ca appears between 600℃ and 800℃, while the nonmetal elements P, S, Cl show the high emission behavior below 600℃. When the oxygen/biomass ratio is 0.8, the highest emission rate of alkali mental Na, K is about 76% and 72% at 1400℃, respectively, but the maximum value are only about 63% and 61% when the oxygerdbiomass ratio is 0.2. This work is very helpful to understand the inorganic elements transformation during biomass entrained flow gasification or combustion, as well as to find the solution of alkali problems.
出处 《太阳能学报》 EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2011年第4期456-462,共7页 Acta Energiae Solaris Sinica
基金 国家自然科学基金(90610035) 国家重点基础研究发展(973)计划(2007CB210208)
关键词 生物质 气流床气化 残炭灰 无机元素 挥发特性 biomass entrained flow gasification residue ash inorganic element emission behavior
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